Jack Russell standard
Jack Russell Standard. Know the size of the Jack Russell Terrier, the types of hair (short, broken or hard)
ORIGIN: Great Britain. DEVELOPMENT COUNTRY: Australia. DATE OF PUBLICATION OF THE OFFICIAL VALID STANDARD: 08.10.2012. UTILIZATION: A good working Terrier with the ability to go down to earth. An excellent companion dog. CLASSIFICATION FCI: Group 3 – Terriers. Section 2 – Small Terriers. Optional proof of work.
The Jack Russell Terrier originated in England around 1800. Thanks to the efforts of Reverend John Russell. He developed a style of Fox Terriers that suited his needs, those of a dog that ran with his foxhounds and could also be thrown to the ground by the fox and other prey. These comprised two varieties with basically similar standards, except for some difference, mainly in height and proportions, the tallest, built more square, known as the Parson Russell Terrier and the shorter, slightly longer, is known as the Jack Russell Terrier .
A strong, active working terrier, of great character, with a flexible body, of medium length. His deft movement matches his keen expression. Tail docking is optional and the coat can be short, hard or brittle. FCI-St. n ° 345 / 12.05.2012 3 IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: The dog as a whole is longer than it is tall, that is to say, rectangular. The depth of the body from the cross to the chest should be equal to the length of the front leg from the elbow to the ground. The periphery behind the elbows should be 40 to 43 cm

Lively, alert and active Terrier, with a sharp and intelligent expression. Bold and fearless, friendly but quietly sure.
HEAD CRANIAL REGION: Skull: The skull should be flat and of moderate width, gradually decreasing in width towards the eyes and tapering towards a broad muzzle. Fronto-nasal depression (Stop): Well defined but not pronounced. FACIAL REGION: Nose: Black. Muzzle: The length from the stop to the nose should be slightly shorter than that of the stop to the occiput. Lips: Tight and pigmented in black. Jaws / Teeth: Very strong, deep, wide and powerful. Strong teeth closing in scissors. Eyes: Small dark and with acute expression. They MUST not be prominent and the lids must be well attached. The edge of the eyelids should be pigmented black. Nutty. Ears: Ears semi-drooping or drooping forward covering the external auditory canal, of good texture and great mobility. Cheeks: The cheek muscles must be well developed. NECK: Strong and clean allowing a balanced head to be carried. FCI-St. n ° 345 / 05.12.2012 4 BODY Top line: Level. The length from the withers to the tail insertion is somewhat greater than the height at the withers. Loin: The kidney region must be short, strong and very muscular.
Chest: Chest deeper than wide, with good clarity from the ground, allowing the chest to be halfway from the withers to the ground. The ribs should be well arched from the spine, flattening out to the sides so that the periphery behind the elbows can be grasped by two hands – approx. 40 to 43 cm. Sternum point clearly in front of shoulder point. TAIL: You can lower it while idle. In movement it must be erect and if it is cut the tip must be at the same level as the ears. LIMBS FOREQUARTERS: Shoulders (Scapulae): Well sloped and not very heavily muscled. Arms (Humerus): Long and angled enough to ensure that the elbows are placed under the body. Forearms: Straight bone from elbow to feet, seen from the front or side. Forefeet: Round, strong, padded, not large, moderately arched toes, not turning in or out. HINDQUARTERS: General Appearance: Strong and muscular, balanced in proportion to the scapulae. Stifle: Well angled. Hock joint: Close to the ground. Metatarsals: Parallel when viewed from behind and the specimen is standing freely. Hind feet: Round, strong, padded, not large, toes moderately arched, not turning in or out. MOVEMENT: Effective, free and elastic. FCI-St. n ° 345 / 05.12.2012 5
It can be short, brittle, or hard. Must be water resistant. Coats should not be altered (pulled off) to appear short or brittle. Color: White should predominate, with black and / or tan markings. Tan markings can range from the palest to the strongest (brown).
Ideal height at the withers: 25 cm to 30 cm. Weight: The equivalent of 1 kg of weight for every 5 cm of height. Example: a 25 cm dog should weigh approx. 5 kg and a 30 cm dog must weigh 6 kg.
Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered a fault and the seriousness of it is considered to the degree of the deviation from the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog and its ability to perform its traditional work. · Lack of true Terrier characteristics. · Lack of balance, example: over-angulation of any of the points. · Heavy or wobbly movement. · Defective teeth. DISQUALIFYING FAULTS: · Aggression or extreme shyness. · Any dog showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified. FCI-St. n ° 345 / 05.12.2012 6 N.B .: · Males must have two testes of normal appearance completely descended into the scrotum. · Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with the typical conformation of the breed, should be used for breeding.